Integrated management system

The quality of products, services and all activities in a company determined to satisfy the needs of customers, to comply with legislative regulations, standards and internal requirements has a long tradition at Chemko, a.s. Slovakia. The company deployed a quality management system for the production of aldehyde chemistry in 1994, which was certified as well (by SGS Slovakia spol. s r.o.). A certified environmental management system was deployed in 1999, followed by a certified occupational health and safety management system in 2012.

Chemko, a.s. Slovakia is currently engaged in an effort to expand its integrated management system (IMS), which is composed of an STN EN ISO 9001:2016 compliant quality management system, STN EN ISO 14001: 2016 compliant environmental management system and an STN OHSAS 18001:2009 compliant occupational health and safety management system covering all its activities and organisational units in line with the organisational changes taking place inside the company.

The IMS, which expresses a responsibility and relationship to quality, the environment, and occupational health and safety, is an integral part of its business activities and corporate culture and is binding for all employees of Chemko, a.s. Slovakia.

The integrated management system policy is focused on supporting the achievement of the company’s strategic objectives, and also provides the resources necessary to accomplish the objectives in the areas of quality, the environment and work safety.